1. Note to self: don't do this again next year.
2. And when a fellow human is being assaulted by Macaques, remember to act first, then laugh.
3. Finally, everyone should share a special moment with a broken-assed girl
« Carusobot | Main | I am OS X »
1. Note to self: don't do this again next year.
2. And when a fellow human is being assaulted by Macaques, remember to act first, then laugh.
3. Finally, everyone should share a special moment with a broken-assed girl
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 14, 2003 1:27 AM.
The previous post in this blog was Carusobot.
The next post in this blog is I am OS X.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
Comments (1)
Best of all is this, but propriety begs me to keep it off the main page, and buried as a comment.
Posted by Bryce | February 14, 2003 1:44 AM
Posted on February 14, 2003 01:44