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Salon's New Deal

Salon's latest pricing model seems fair:

"Starting today, you can gain access to Salon in either of two ways: You can pay our low subscription price (as little as 5 cents a day) or you can click through a multiple-screen advertisement. "

I must admit I haven't been reading Salon for awhile. A friend just recommended them for the job they've been doing on Iraq/Middle-East coverage. (While Jorn Barger is apparently pissed cause they're going to make him pay for cartoons.) I'm going to try to drop in on Salon more frequently in coming weeks...

Comments (1)

I stopped reading Salon daily a couple years ago when they dropped a lot of original content (Mothers Who Think, Urge, that was good stuff) and devoted about a 1/4 of there home page to the same Reuters/AP newsfeeds that everyone else has (anyone else remember them before they had the "from the wires" newsfeed, and it was all original Salon stuff)

Anyway, I just sat through the ad, clicking the next button and ignoring the car. Not too bad, certainly beats paying.

Then I clicked on the football story. What's up with it? it's just a story about the game? Where's the probing Salon commentary about the absurdity of fanatacism? Or a discussion of how the Raiders have been sucking Oakland and Alameda County dry of funding. Or the fact that they made football the cover story to begin with. the old Salon.com would have used this as a chance to say "Hey, why are you paying so much attention to that anyway?"

OK, enough griping...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 26, 2003 2:35 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Snowy day, Closet-rummaging.

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