Someone's actually making a Starsky & Hutch video game. This is not a joke.
Need a compelling reason to buy? According to the site, this is 'the only game that truly captures the action and excitement of the hugely successful TV series "Starksy & Hutch."'
I want to live in a world where this idea makes good market sense. Especially for 15-25 year old gamers. And where David Soul enjoys some kind of Tiger Beat resurgence.
Comments (1)
Oh man, this is great!
What's up with this copy from the site:
"They were both happily bachelors, and their great companionship made them a formidable duo."
Just what the hell are they gettin' at?
Posted by Bryce | January 21, 2003 11:20 PM
Posted on January 21, 2003 23:20