
Television Archives

August 5, 2005

Xander Surfaces

Buffy's Nicholas Brendon will be on Fox's Kitchen Confidential this fall, and here's a cute, if pointless, red-carpet interview with him and Seth 'Oz' Green. (Scroll down and click on the video link.) The same page has mention of David Boreanaz's crime-drama Bones which, for some odd reason, I am looking forward to. (I know, I know -- like teevee really needs another hour-long forensics procedural crime-drama.)

And where am I getting all this Buffy-ana of late, you may ask? Why from Whedonesque, the 'Joss Whedon weblog', which one should not mistake for being Joss Whedon's weblog, cause it ain't. About him, not by him. Got it?

December 3, 2005

Smile Time

The wife and I have picked up our year of Whedon again recently. We're heading into the home stretch: Buffy is done, we did a brief interlude into the world of Firefly, and we're now about half-way through the final season of Angel.

We never watched Angel Season 5 when it was originally broadcast (our cable package doesn't include the WB, is the easy excuse -- it turns out that they actually did broadcast Angel on the local UPN station back then as well, but - as I recall - it was a weird night and time, so we just gave up.) So far, we haven't been too impressed. It was nice to see Lindsey back for a spell, sad to see Cordelia's fate. Spike seems generally like an appendage, he probably should've passed with the end of Buffy. Something weird seemed to happen to the basic character of the show that season; perhaps it's just the 'working for Wolfram and Hart' conceit. It feels forced and more than a bit desperate.

But tonight, we saw the episode Smile Time and, I gotta say, All is Forgiven. Holy crap, what a good time. LeeAnn and I were literally howling with laughter at a couple of points. (Angel: "I got a lot of demon in me.")

Perhaps my favorite moment of the episode was Spike's (predictable) ridicule when he discovered stuffed-plush Angel. In the knock-down fight that ensues, you can just see James Marsters barely containing his glee at the absurdity of it all:

Another favorite moment for Marsters was the fifth season Angel episode in which the title character, played by David Boreanaz, is magically transformed into a puppet. One of the episode’s key scenes involved a throw-down between Spike and the all-too cuddly Angel puppet.

“It was fun fighting that puppet,” Marsters says. “They wired it to me and just said ‘go.’ Just totally low tech and let the actor do his thing.”

We're actually looking forward to the rest of the season now. (Okay, the Nazi U-boat episode was cool, too.)

March 25, 2006

S'(not so) Wonderful

Wow. Here's a really crapalicious little number from 1967, a short 'demo film' of a Wonder Woman tv show that blessedly never made it to the air. Produced by the guy who brought you the ultra-camp Batman series. (Don't get me started about the time that Adam West bitched out my brother Brian at the Columbus Car Show when we were kids. I've hated that guy ever since.)

May 13, 2006

I don't believe you. Continue.

Awesome. Dwight Schrute has a blog. And he's a Sammy Hagar fan:

I can't wait. I can't believe there's going to be a Cabo Wabo experience there. I'm not sure what that is but I am on board. I am definitely applying to be a "Sambassador" as well and enjoying a "waborita T."

Update 5/14: Dwight has a MySpace page too! (Complete with gratuitous Air Supply track on auto-play!)

May 2, 2007


Hot Dang. John Schneider is auctioning off his General Lee on Ebay. (One of many, true, but this one belongs to Bo Duke!) Current bid is $2,302,100.00. (Ha, I love how there's a link right beneath that price to 'Get low monthly payments.' Low if you're Adnan Khashoggi.)

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