
Tagging Archives

September 8, 2006

Surowiecki on Schachter

I was about halfway through this great profile of Joshua Schachter when I realized.. "Dang, this is probably one of the best-written, most narratively concise descriptions I've seen yet of tagging, 'folksonomies' and .. hell, classification in general." And then I was all the way through it when I realized just why it resonated with me so well: the writer is James "The Wisdom of Crowds" Surowiecki. I know it's pretty late in the cultural day to get all hot-and-bothered about tagging, but reading Surowiecki's take on Schachter's successes kinda got me all excited over again.

Postscript: Based on last-name complexity alone, this post was not an easy one to write. Lotsa copy-paste going on here.

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