I'm making tentative plans with friends to go see the Jeff Smith exhibition at the Wexner Center for the Arts on Saturday (timed to both take in the exhibit and also catch Jeff's conversation with Scott McCloud.) Smith is, of course, a Columbus native. His studio's right in my neighborhood, in fact. Though I'm not sure if he lives down here as well.
I'm playing a bit of catch-up before Saturday, because—I have to admit it—I've only recently caught the Bone bug. Of course, I've been aware of the title: its presence looms large in any indy-friendly comics shop you might walk into. Especially any good comics shop in central Ohio. But something, until now, has just always kept me from reaching for it and diving in. I'm not sure what.
I think it's the design of the Bone family themselves—that kind-of "schmoo-ish" look has always subconsciously said 'for kids!' to me. Of course, now I see the world through Edison's eyes and that's no longer a label that scares me off. And I don't know what the hell I was thinking, anyway!
I picked up trades #1 & 2 the other night at The Book Loft (on one of our weeknight neighborhood jaunts with the Boy) and they're wonderful so far. Gorgeous artwork, and obviously an appeal that extends far beyond 'just kids.' My friend Rob tells me that they're selling the One Volume Edition at the exhibition (which, at $40, is a steal.) So I'm gonna plow through the first couple of trades, then gift them to someone, and hopefully pass the bug along.
Update 5/13: I did indeed attend the talk on Saturday—it was fantastic—and, even better, my go-to comics-blogger-of-choice, J. Caleb Mozzocco, was there as well. Check out
Caleb's take on the discussion and his
impressions of the related exhibits as well. (Oh—and, the exhibits run until August, so you really do owe it to yourself to check 'em out in person, as well.)