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April 2008 Archives

April 13, 2008

Designing Your Reputation System (in 15 Easy Steps)

My talk from the 2008 IA Summit. I hope to add more to this entry later, and upload an updated version to Slideshare with abundant notes. But, until then… enjoy!

Update 5/13/2008 I uploaded a new version of the preso to Slideshare a couple of days ago (complete w/my speaker's notes, which I think do a much better job of explaining what some of the screens are intended to illustrate.) I'm not crazy about what it does to the presentation display, but if you click to 'View on Slideshare' then you can watch it fullscreen, which helps. (Or download the PDF from there as well.)

April 18, 2008

Skull Job

Prepare yourself for the new Indiana Jones movie, and read up a bit on the Legend of the Crystal Skulls. (Found via The Daily Grail.)

Facebook Pulls Their Thumbs

Coming out of the IA Summit this year, and following thought-trails down twitter-paths, new friends' blogs etc. It's obvious that design patterns were a huge topic at the Summit. Social design patterns, possibly even more so. Also heard (and stated myself) a couple different times: sharing anti-patterns may be even more critical right now than collecting and cataloguing all the possibilities.

My own talk featured a handful of reputation patterns (coming soon to the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library—I promise!) But, if you were listening closely, you probably picked up on a theme. The patterns themselves (Points, Levels, Trophies, Badges, etc) have incredible potential to do harm to your community dynamic. So, taken another way, these patterns can also stand as effective cautionary anti-patterns.

Anyhoo… all of this made me vow (to myself, and now to you) to try and share more after-the-fact analysis, dissection and anti-pattern identification of social media trends. Have you ever noticed how good our industry is at noticing (and praising, and downright trumpeting) “the new” in social media? New product launches get extensive TechCrunch coverage. New Facebook features put the analysts in overdrive. But what about the quiet re-jiggerings? Or outright feature failures?

This, for example, was passed around at work recently. Inside Facebook has noted that FB recently pulled the thumbs-up/thumbs-down voting mechanisms from the News Feed interface. IF notes:

While Facebook has always allowed more general Facebook preferences (like More About These Friends/Less About These Friends), this feedback was much more granular and potentially powerful.
And also:
It's too bad Facebook wasn’t able to get more value out of the explicit preference data users were generating. For now, Facebook will need to rely on more implicit data.
I think potentially powerful is the key phrase here. What follows is a somewhat-cleaned-up version of my take on the removal.

Continue reading "Facebook Pulls Their Thumbs" »

April 22, 2008

Ben Fry Redesign

Geez what rock have I been hiding out under for the last month or so... my ol' chum Ben has a spiffy new site design (courtesy Eugene Kuo.) I like it.

And Ben is finally blogging! (And has, therefore, retroactively—4 years after the fact!—made a non-liar out of Andrei Herasimchuk.)

About April 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Soldier Ant in April 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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