I'm taking the advice of my friend John, and giving Quicksilver another try. This'll be... oh, about my 3d go-round with Quicksilver. Every time I install it and start it up, I just can't past that "What now?" feeling. (If you don't know what Quicksilver is or does, I won't bother you with it here. Suffice to say, you need a Mac to download it and give it a try.)
But I really do want to love it. It just sounds like the kinda slick, adaptively-correcting predictive interface that I yearn for. So I'm giving it one more try. In fact, I think I'm going to try to spend a week with it, and maybe force myself to at least launch all applications thru Quicksilver. (I'll call it my Dock-free Challenge™.)
So far, I have one small gripe with Quicksilver. (Okay, two -- my first being that I keep trying to type its name as "Quicksolver.") And that gripe is this: is there any way for it run as some kinda background process, rather than a fullblown app (that takes up residence in my Command-Tab application switcher?) I'm a crazy-ass command-tabber and it's going to annoy the heck out of me to keep tripping over that icon every time I pass through the dialog.
Actually, it's gotta be possible to suppress an app's presence in the application switcher, cause I notice that Apple's Dashboard does exactly this. In fact, is there any way, in general, to suppress any arbitrary apps presence in the command-tab dialog? Anyone?