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July 2006 Archives

July 1, 2006


Christopher, originally uploaded by soldierant.

A while back, I told myself that I really need to take more pictures of people, and fewer of things and places. Looking at my photostream on Flickr lately, it looks like I'm making some progress toward my goal.

(Why the emphasis on faces? Cause I looked at my favorites on Flickr and realized that I'm really drawn to pictures of faces: funny, sad, goofy, furry.. whatever.)

July 2, 2006

This plumage is too precious to pulverize

"Has anyone ever hated teenagers with the gusto of the writers and artists at Archie Comics?" The Onion AV Club takes on Archie and the gang.

July 22, 2006

What's a diorama?

The register has spotted some strange goings-on in Huangyangtan, China. Someone has painstakingly recreated a 450x350-kilometer patch of the mountainous Chinese/Indian border, in scale. God, I hope we don't see a Chinese-Indian conflict in my lifetime. (Link via Robot Wisdom, not-very-funny entry title courtesy Ralph Wiggum.)

July 29, 2006

Dock-free Challenge

I'm taking the advice of my friend John, and giving Quicksilver another try. This'll be... oh, about my 3d go-round with Quicksilver. Every time I install it and start it up, I just can't past that "What now?" feeling. (If you don't know what Quicksilver is or does, I won't bother you with it here. Suffice to say, you need a Mac to download it and give it a try.)

But I really do want to love it. It just sounds like the kinda slick, adaptively-correcting predictive interface that I yearn for. So I'm giving it one more try. In fact, I think I'm going to try to spend a week with it, and maybe force myself to at least launch all applications thru Quicksilver. (I'll call it my Dock-free Challenge™.)

So far, I have one small gripe with Quicksilver. (Okay, two -- my first being that I keep trying to type its name as "Quicksolver.") And that gripe is this: is there any way for it run as some kinda background process, rather than a fullblown app (that takes up residence in my Command-Tab application switcher?) I'm a crazy-ass command-tabber and it's going to annoy the heck out of me to keep tripping over that icon every time I pass through the dialog.

Actually, it's gotta be possible to suppress an app's presence in the application switcher, cause I notice that Apple's Dashboard does exactly this. In fact, is there any way, in general, to suppress any arbitrary apps presence in the command-tab dialog? Anyone?

About July 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Soldier Ant in July 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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