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July 2005 Archives

July 3, 2005

A Tear in my Beer

Crying, while eating is exactly what it says it is.

10 Years Gone

10 years ago tomorrow -- July 4th, 1995 -- I was standing in a parking lot outside a mall in Bowling Green, Ohio. I'd graduated from college the month before, and I was holding a girlfriend's hand. Come Fall, I was due to move to Atlanta, to start grad school, and I was looking at the moon (in my memory, it was a full moon, but apparently my memory is wrong.)

I had just watched Apollo 13. A fine film, and probably what prompted me to look at the moon in the first place.

Why do I remember this at all? Because it was one of those rare times in life when I felt completely... present in "the now." I was looking at the Moon, and I was thinking about my life, and wondering where it would take me. And I had the strangest feeling that I was talking to myself 10, 20 or even 50 years in the future. Talking to future-me, telling myself that everything would be just fine.

So every year, on the 4th, I remember that kind reassurance, coming from a nervous kid. And every year, it kinda turns out that the kid knew what he was talking about. It's been alright. It's been a good 10 years.

July 4, 2005

Willie & Diamond

Willie & Diamond, originally uploaded by soldierant.

LeeAnn and I have started volunteering every Monday at the Capital Area Humane Society. We walk dogs on Monday morning, and it's a great opportunity to help these little guys out, as well as learn their temperaments and get to know some great dogs.

Like Willie and Diamond, a brother-and-sister pair (I don't think they're genetically related, but you wouldn't know that from how gentle and loving they are with each other.)

These two amazing huskies are up for adoption and we've walked them the past two weeks. I would bring them home myself if I didn't think that would be doing them a disservice -- I think they need some space to roam, and a loving guardian that understands the Husky breed and it's special needs.

Please pass this on to anyone who fits that description.

Update 7/07: CAHS has posted some more photos of Willie and Diamond. Go check out those beautiful, regal tails!


4.17-2, originally uploaded by prolix.

Flickr user prolix has a great series of street portraits taken in San Francisco. Really impressive.

July 7, 2005


Freddy Mercury's boyhood in Zanzibar:

We know him as Freddie Mercury, the swaggering lead singer for Queen whose taste for drugs, sex and pomp was legendary even by the hedonistic standards of the 1970s.

Subash Shah knew him as Buckwheat, a shy, insecure boy with a severe overbite who grew up on the island of Zanzibar, mimicking the moves of Cliff Richard and Elvis Presley.

I had no idea that Mercury's family were Zoroastrians. Link via Robot Wisdom.

July 10, 2005

Hipster Trailer

Hipster Trailer, originally uploaded by soldierant.

This is one cool little trailer. The wife and I spotted it on US-70 last week, just West of Cambridge, OH and I had her snap off a couple of shots on my crappy Treo. You can get them made-to-order, and -- while I am easily 30 years too young to be having a 'ditch it all and live in an RV' late-life-crisis, this little baby could make me rethink that position. (For small stretches of 6-8 days, of course.)

July 12, 2005

BayCHI Podcasts

This is cool. BayCHI will be podcasting all their events, and putting old ones (dating back to 2003) online. Get the podcasts here. (Now the BarCHI crowd can listen in, hung over, the following day.)

Ask Yahoo!

So, where does the term "red tape" come from?

The colorful term used to refer to the seemingly endless parade of paperwork that accompanies many official matters got its start back in jolly old England. It seems that thick legal documents were bound or tied with (what else?) red cloth tape. So when someone spoke of cutting through the red tape, they meant it in a very literal sense.

July 13, 2005

Furbo's Fetish

Flickr user furbo has a thing for cute noses.

July 17, 2005

Trolley Delayed by Shark

The Astro City Rocket reports the story behind the story:

When I was in college, my mother sent me this article -- she'd clipped it from the Boston Globe, because it struck her as funny, and she thought I'd get a kick out of it.
This entry will only make sense if you've read the story 'The Scoop' from the first Astro City collection, Life in the Big City.

July 18, 2005

Bro's Back

After a 2-month hiatus due to a busted-up iBook, my brother is back at his blog and as entertaining as ever.

July 22, 2005

First Rule

I'm a big fan of Robot Wisdom's regular Cliche Watch feature. Here's mine: The first rule of [X]? Do not talk about [X] (not Fightclub.)

About July 2005

This page contains all entries posted to Soldier Ant in July 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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